Kimberley House teaches Life Skills and Job Readiness classes at Hope Campus, with about 25-30 students daily. "Our space is pretty bare. Just a few tables and chairs so we've been working to try and make it a little more homey," said Kimberley. "I thought some comfortable furniture might help and when I reached out to Sofa City a couple of months ago, they said they'd try to find something for me and they did with a new reclining sofa! Our class is so excited to receive such a generous gift."
"This year celebrates 10 years that Sofa City has been in Fort Smith," said JB Rainwater, store manager of Sofa City. "Helping to give back to our community has been a value of ours since the beginning. When Kimberley reached out we started looking for ways we could help her and the Hope Campus."
"Thank you, Sofa City, for the beautiful couch," said Kimberley. "We love it and you guys are the best!"
Sofa City is committed to providing quality furniture at an affordable price with same-day availability. Learn more at SofaCityUSA.com.